
SIBO and Anemia

Are you always tired? Have you seen your family doctor and been diagnosed with anemia but don't know the root cause? Are you taking iron and finding that it is not making you feel any better? Did you know that bacteria in the small intestine are able to consume and deplete Iron and Vitamin B12, both of which are essential for normal red blood cell function?

I Know Sugar is Bad, But I Thought Fibre Was Good For Me!

Many patients who have been given the non-descript diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) routinely notice that eating healthy foods such as many different types of vegetables and fruits, causes an increase in their symptoms - abdominal bloating, abdominal discomfort, burping, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, and poor quality bowel movements. Whole grains, although not considered healthy for many people, also seem to cause an increase in these symptoms.