Dr. Kaleb Falk is a Naturopathic Physician with a general practice in Kamloops BC. He has a passion for motivating others to achieve their full potential in health. Patient-centered care is an essential component of his practice, and he believes that everyone has an innate potential to heal themselves when the body is provided with the proper environment. It is his role to identify and remove the obstacles that inhibit health.  He is committed to establishing and maintaining relationships based on integrity, honesty and trust. 

Dr. Kaleb has a special focus treating SIBO and other gut related conditions. He is proud to offer in-clinic testing for SIBO as one of only a handful of clinics in Canada to have a SIBO breath testing machine in the office, allowing for accurate & fast results.  He has advanced training in bio-identical hormone replacement, heavy metal chelation, Intravenous (IV) therapies, prolotherapy, neural therapy and ozone/oxidative therapies. He is certified in acupuncture and is licensed to prescribe pharmaceutical medication in order to provide the best level of care to his patients.

Dr. Kaleb truly embodies the principle Doctor as Teacher.  In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Falk was formerly a faculty instructor at both, the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and The Vancouver College of Massage Therapy.  He is passionate about teaching and empowering future health care practitioners.  

Outside the clinic, Dr. Falk enjoys spending time outdoors, fishing, hiking and camping.

To book an initial appointment with Dr. Kaleb Falk at Total Health please call 250-374-9700.